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Funny Best Man Speeches That Rocked the Room: Examples and Inspiration


Updated: Jul 8, 2023

Looking for free funny best man speech tips and ideas? This article gives you another writing tip and shows you how to take humorous anecdotes and then reword them so that they fit into your speech in a way that relates to the bride or groom.

Free Funny Best Man Speech Tips

we know that your funny best man speech anecdote will not be a true story - it's called poetic license but it is funny and it does take the stress out of trying to come up with material for your speech. As long as you do include some true sentiment into your best man speech and ensure that your speech isn't all jokes then I think you can make life easier for yourself wherever you need to!

Free Funny Best Man Speech Tips - Where To Include?

Either include your anecdote into the introduction (one of the "a funny thing happened to me on the way here" type jokes) or into the section of your best man speech where you are talking about the groom growing up or about his hobbies.

Essentially the anecdote is a joke but when you are delivering your best man speech you recount the joke as if it was an event that actually happened to the groom or was something that the groom actually said to you.

What do I mean by "reword" - read on.

Free Funny Best Man Speech Tips - Introduction

The joke I'm going to use for this free funny best man speech anecdote is below - it's from the Best Man Jokes eBook which is one of the free bonus eBooks we give you when you purchase the Best Man Formula eBook

A newlywed couple had just arrived in their honeymoon suite. After unpacking, the husband took off his pants. "Put these on," he said to his wife. She did and they were obviously much too large. "There's no way I can wear these - they're way too big," she said. "Good! Now you know who wears the pants in this family," replied the husband. Flustered, the wife removed her panties, and handing them to her husband said, "Put these on." The husband looked at the tiny panties and said, "There's no way I can get into your panties." To which the wife replied, "you're darn right! Not with that attitude!"

To make it sound as if it was the bride and groom in your best man speech then just reword it in a manner similar to this:

I've been told in great confidence that we were very lucky to make it to today. Apparently [Bride and Groom] had a major argument after their engagement celebrations. I'm told that after they returned home from their party, [Groom] took off his pants. "Put these on," he said to his bride to be. She did and they were obviously much too large. "There's no way I can wear these - they're way too big," she said. "Good! Now you know who's going to wear the pants when we're married," replied the groom to be. Flustered, [Bride] removed her panties, and handing them to her husband to be said, "Put these on." [Groom] looked at the tiny panties and said, "There's no way I can get into your panties." To which [Bride] replied, "you're darn right! Not with that attitude!"

Free Funny Best Man Speech Tips - About Groom

As you all know, [Groom's name] just loves to fish, and the other day he spent six hours fishing in the ocean without a bite. He had promised [Bride] he would bring his catch home for dinner. Now [Groom] didn't want to admit to her that he was coming back empty-handed. So he stopped by the Fresh Fish Market on the way home and purchased six beautiful snapper, but he asked the clerk to toss them to him over the counter one at a time. The clerk asked him - What's the idea of throwing them?" [Groom] replied - I'm no liar! want to be able to show my fiance the fish I caught."

So there you have some tips for writing a free funny best man speech.

Much of the speechwriting literature frowns upon rewording jokes and anecdotes and including them in your best man speech. However, I figure - why listen to them! If you really want to write a funny best man speech then you need to include material that you know will get a laugh.

Believe me, on the day the wedding guests will probably know that you're using poetic licence in recounting your best man speech but they will laugh all the same.


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