Looking for some best man speech advice as you embark on the process and preparation of writing your best man speech?

Best Man Speech Advice - 5 Free Tips
Tip #1 - Start Early
This is probably the most important best man speech advice that we have to give you! Start earlier - much earlier than you think you need too. Speaking from experience, the best man speech is NOT something that you should just throw together a couple of days before the wedding, or worse on the day of the wedding. If you start early you can get an idea of how you want to structure your best man speech and think about what you want to say.
Tip #2 - Think Short But Not Too Short
Understanding how long the best man speech should be is quite difficult. It really depends on how comfortable you are being in the limelight. You want to do your groom justice and give him a great best man toast but you can say what you need to in a short best man speech if you're very nervous about speaking in public. When we've prepared Maxs' best man speeches we have always aimed for 5-7 minutes in length.
Tip #3 - Plan Your Speech
Some best man speech advice - make sure you have a plan for your speech. What's that saying? Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!! Don't make your best man toast or best man speech a whole bunch of (tired) jokes with no coherent thoughts. Believe it or not, I've seen a best man deliver a speech like this and it wasn't well received.
If you're stuck for how to structure your best man speech then check out our eBook How To Write A Best Man Speech That Rocks for an easy to follow structure.
Tip #4 - Talk To Others
If you're looking for stories on your groom our best man speech advice is to talk to those others who know your groom. Our best man speech template recommends having a few stories about the groom and his exploits in his younger days and unless you knew him as a child, chances are that the best bet for incriminating and embarrassing stories is his mother, father or siblings!
Tip #5 - Watch The Groom Stories
Speaking of stories, this is a very important word of advice when writing your best man speech - watch the stories that you include about the groom. The purpose of the best man toast or best man speech is to gently poke fun and embarrass the groom but you want to tell the audience what a great guy he is. You want the wedding guests laughing along with the groom, not cringing because you've brought up some embarrassing event that should be forgotten.
So, that's our top five free tips for you to keep in mind during the preparation of the best man speech. Expanding on what we said above, the purpose of the best man speech is to tell some funny stories that show that although he's a lovable rogue, the best man is really a great guy and the bride is lucky to have him as her husband.
As you know, we exist on the theory of karma - so if you find anything useful on this page and then go on to use it to write your best man speech, please give back to our website and upload your speech on our Free Best Man Sample Speeches page. In this way, you can help other best men write their speeches and you can help to keep our website on best man speech examples free.