Looking for information on best man responsibilities, researching the best man role before you accept or wondering what exactly you are in for as you embark on being best man? After much research, we've compiled what we think are the top 5 Best Man Responsibilities.

As I mentioned on the previous page which discussed Best Man Duties, the role of the best man historically was to protect the bride from being abducted or being insulted by family members!
It seems to me that the responsibilities of being best man in these days could possibly have meant you getting seriously injured or even worse...
Luckily, the best man responsibilities in modern society are a touch less noble! Here's our top 5 best man responsibilities with some advice from our resident best man expert - Max
Organize the bachelor party otherwise known as the stag party
As best man, this is your main responsibility and I would caution you to make sure it runs smoothly - if you've ever watched the movie The Hangover, this is a prime example of what not to do. Talk to the groom about what he would like and then make it happen. The best man responsibilities don't end with just organizing the bachelor party however - you need to make sure that the groom comes through the bachelor party unscathed!
Keep the rings safe
A word from the wise - just put them in your pocket and make sure you double check when you arrive at the church. You can always dash home if you've forgotten them.

Make sure the groom arrives at the church
Technically, as best man you're supposed to drive him but I think the main responsibility for the best man is ensuring that the groom makes it to the church. It's also looked upon favorably if you manage to arrive before the bride!
Sign the marriage certificate after the wedding
Out of all the best man duties and responsibilities, this is probably the only one that is legally required. After you've signed the document tradition dictates that it's time to pose for photos with the bride, groom and maid of honour
Pay for your own tuxedo or suit and return both yours and the groom's if needed
Although paying for your own tuxedo isn't strictly one of the responsibilities of the best man but I've included it because there's always the question on who pays. However, returning both yours and the groom's tuxedo is a responsibility bestowed upon you. It shouldn't be too hard, locate all the pieces and return - let's assume that the tuxedo's are in a fit state to return...
Although we've put writing and delivering a best man speech in the Best Man Duties section we thought you may be looking for a bit of assistance. Check out our eBook How To Write A Best Man Speech That Rocks for some simple and easy best man speech help!
As you know, our philosophy is to "pay it forward" so if you find anything useful on this page and then go on to use it to write your best man speech on it, please give back to our website and upload your speech on our Free Best Man Sample Speeches page. In this way, you can help other best men write their speeches and you can help to keep our website on best man speech examples free.