Although this article is on best man duties it's probably not worded quite right. Surely being best man for your groom is not a duty, rather, it's a privilege!
Requiring a best man to stand beside the groom during a wedding ceremony evolved from ancient times where the main role for him was to protect the bride from getting abducted.

Since there's less chance of this happening nowadays the best man role has evolved to one in which there are numerous best man duties (and you now need a manual to work out what you need to do).
In my mind, the best man duties and responsibilities are really focused on literally being the "best" man to the groom. You should aim to be indispensible for your groom - helping him out at any time and ensuring that anything he needs to do or is told to do by the bride is undertaken.
So although the best man duties entail doing pretty much whatever is needed and each groom is different, we've found that there are some commonalities with the role. We've chosen our top 6 and presented them in the order in which you undertake them. We've also included a few extra words of sage advice - these are tips that Max found invaluable when he was fulfilling his best man duties.
Best Man Duties - Your List
Coordinate the tuxedo or suit fittings for the groomsmen and ushers
Two words of advice for this duty - don't suck your stomach in when they're measuring you and make sure you try the tuxedo on before the day of the wedding. Infact, try the tuxedo on before the night of the wedding - if it doesn't fit you need time to get it changed.
Attend the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner
Yep you gotta do this, it's pretty much an expected part of the best man duties. Plus you also have to attend anything else that the bride organizes
Provide support for the groom
This is one of those best man duties that are required before, during and after the wedding. At the church, it is your job to tell a few jokes, keep the conversation light and take his mind off the day
Help with packing up the gifts
Assuming that you haven't drunk too much and passed out in the parking lot, it is a huge help if you can be available at the end of the night to pack up the gifts and put them in the car. This will score you big points with the bride and the bridesmaids!
Attend the post wedding lunch/bbq/party
Most weddings nowadays have a semi informal gathering the next day. It's a nice way for the bride and groom to talk with those they may have missed on their wedding day. One of the best man duties at this gathering is to arrive early and then assist wherever you can.
One Last Thought On Your Best Man Duties
Even if you fail to undertake the majority of the best man duties discussed above, the groom will probably be grateful that you are a friendly face during the whirlwind of wedding preparations.
In my mind, that is the real requirement to being a best man - just be the great friend that you've always been. There's obviously been a reason why your groom has chosen you - now you need to prove it!
Max has always found that the time when the groom needs your support the most is at the church/ceremony venue. Because you get to the venue early (especially if the bride is very late) this gives lots of time for the grooms nerves to show through. . If the bride is running late and the groom is starting to look nervous, you could discreetly ask someone to inform you of the situation.